Transactions and financing

We represent clients in all types and structures of real estate transactions, whether share or asset-deal, conduct due diligence investigations, provide services for joint ventures (also under PPP formula), as well as acquisitions in enforcement and bankruptcy modes. We represent clients in the negotiation and execution of agreements with financing institutions and provide services in all other forms of capital raising.

Land Development

We handle processes to prepare the investment property, including proceedings concerning the property's planning status, actions to ensure appropriate access to public roads, or the possibility of connecting to utilities.

Investment process and commercialization

We provide comprehensive support for the investment process, representing clients in proceedings to obtain all investment decisions and negotiating the necessary contracts, including design, execution, marketing and sales support, and with financial institutions. We help prepare commercialization strategies and draft the required agreements.

  • Multiple versions of applications and platform were created
  • A style guide has been implemented with a range of granularity of elements, from atoms to components
  • The basis of the platform was created along with the design documentation
  • Revenue applications (and supporting applications that supplied it with data were marked as key objectives for future development)



We represent corporate and individual clients in all civil proceedings concerning real estate, including title to real estate (e.g., acquisitive prescription, dissolution of co-ownership, proceedings for the establishment of easements), immissions, neighbour disputes, as well as any compensation (e.g., in connection with the entry into force of a local zoning plan).


We conduct and advise in proceedings concerning building law, real estate management, the Act on public roads and other proceedings in which real estate is directly or indirectly the subject of the proceedings, e.g., proceedings concerning investment decisions (decisions on conditions of development, building permits, environmental decisions, legalization), proceedings to update the fee for perpetual usufruct or proceedings for compensation, e.g. for real estate expropriated for public roads.


We represent clients in all disputes arising from the management or execution of investments, including investment contracts (e.g., between investors and designers or contractors), good neighbour agreements, disputes related to physical or legal defects of completed assets or construction works, and against public law entities.

  • Multiple versions of applications and platform were created
  • A style guide has been implemented with a range of granularity of elements, from atoms to components
  • The basis of the platform was created along with the design documentation
  • Revenue applications (and supporting applications that supplied it with data were marked as key objectives for future development)


  • Multiple versions of applications and platform were created
  • A style guide has been implemented with a range of granularity of elements, from atoms to components
  • The basis of the platform was created along with the design documentation
  • Revenue applications (and supporting applications that supplied it with data were marked as key objectives for future development)


We provide ongoing services to entrepreneurs and specific business ventures. We provide corporate services, assistance in the field of labour law, and, in cooperation with our partners, tax and personal data protection.

Individual customers

We use our experience in the most prominent transactions and most difficult proceedings in working with individual clients, whom we invite to the partner platform


  • Multiple versions of applications and platform were created
  • A style guide has been implemented with a range of granularity of elements, from atoms to components
  • The basis of the platform was created along with the design documentation
  • Revenue applications (and supporting applications that supplied it with data were marked as key objectives for future development)


Wieloletnia praktyka skoncentrowana na prawie nieruchomości pozwala naszej kancelarii z powodzeniem spełniać oczekiwania wszyskich uczestników rynku prawa nieruchomości.


Wieloletnia praktyka skoncentrowana na prawie nieruchomości pozwala naszej kancelarii z powodzeniem spełniać oczekiwania wszyskich uczestników rynku prawa nieruchomości.


Wieloletnia praktyka skoncentrowana na prawie nieruchomości pozwala naszej kancelarii z powodzeniem spełniać oczekiwania wszyskich uczestników rynku prawa nieruchomości.

Korzystaj z wiedzy, którą dzielimy się online

Baza wiedzy

W bazie wiedzy GPLF znajdziesz odpowiedzi na najczęściej nurtujące naszych klientów pytania dotyczące prawa nieruchomości.

Wiedza w lekkiej formie

Dzięki naszym profilom w social mediach zyskasz nową perspektywę na temat aktualnych i najważniejszych tematów z zakresu prawa nieruchomości.

  • Multiple versions of applications and platform were created
  • A style guide has been implemented with a range of granularity of elements, from atoms to components
  • The basis of the platform was created along with the design documentation
  • Revenue applications (and supporting applications that supplied it with data were marked as key objectives for future development)


  • Multiple versions of applications and platform were created
  • A style guide has been implemented with a range of granularity of elements, from atoms to components
  • The basis of the platform was created along with the design documentation
  • Revenue applications (and supporting applications that supplied it with data were marked as key objectives for future development)


Wieloletnia praktyka skoncentrowana na prawie nieruchomości pozwala naszej kancelarii z powodzeniem spełniać oczekiwania wszyskich uczestników rynku prawa nieruchomości.


Wieloletnia praktyka skoncentrowana na prawie nieruchomości pozwala naszej kancelarii z powodzeniem spełniać oczekiwania wszyskich uczestników rynku prawa nieruchomości.


Wieloletnia praktyka skoncentrowana na prawie nieruchomości pozwala naszej kancelarii z powodzeniem spełniać oczekiwania wszyskich uczestników rynku prawa nieruchomości.

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Kamienica Rodryga Mroczkowskiego

ul. Mokotowska 57 lok. 4, piętro 3

00-542 Warszawa

+48 22 299 78 98

© 2025 Górski and Partners Law Firm | GPLF. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.